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Cançó de Pau 2024

On December 27, 2024, we will host the 27th edition of the Cançó de Pau! 💙
Ti Solidarity

On December, 27th we celebrate the Cançó de Pau! The Cançó de Pau (Song of Peace) is a solidarity act held at Tibidabo in support of UNICEF. The event aims to promote values ​​such as tolerance, solidarity and respect among the youngest and youngest, with a song in favor of peace in the world.


All people who arrive at Tibidabo before 11 am will be able to purchase UNICEF solidarity tickets for €2. With these tickets, they will be able to participate in the event and enjoy the Amusement Park for the rest of the day.




  • Solidarity tickets can be purchased at the  Tibidabo Store until 10:40 am.
  • Solidarity tickets can be purchased at the Tibidabo and Aparcament del Cim ticket offices until 11 am.
  • TibiBus and Cuca de Llum services will be free until 11 am.
  • Solidarity tickets will not be sold at the Aparcament BSM Sant Genís-Vall d'Hebron ticket offices.
  • From 11 am, all tickets and services will return to normal.



Sing with us!


Tots volem la pau
no volem més guerres
com us ho hem de dir
és la nostra terra.


Volem la pau, ja!


Som éssers humans
som petits i grans
de tots els colors


Donem-nos les mans
i cantem tots junts
per un món millor


Tots volem la pau
no volem més guerres
com us ho hem de dir
és la nostra terra


Volem la pau, ja!

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