The first transversal axis of Tibidabo is solidarity.


From the Tibidabo Amusement Park, we commit to developing solidarity projects, taking into account social initiatives, hosting events in order to give visibility and support to less favored groups or those affected by various causes. The Park's line of social action has focused on the commitment to children and the inclusion of certain vulnerable groups.


For more than 15 years, year after year, we have increased our participation and collaboration with different entities, organizing solidarity days that contribute to raising funds and spreading the word about their work, developing solidarity projects in various areas and offering bonuses, scholarships and collaborations to bring the magic of Tibidabo to vulnerable groups.


Find out about the solidarity ticket options offered by the Park, the strong alliance with UNICEF Comitè Catalunya and the organizations and events with which Tibidabo collaborates.

Solidarity ticket options

Solidarity summer


The Solidarity summer project consists of providing 100 daily grants to charitable organizations so that children with social vulnerability can visit Tibidabo during the summer. With the main objective that girls and boys who cannot afford to come to the Park, can do so for free for a whole day.




The following entities and services can request tickets for the project:


  • Centres Oberts de la ciutat de Barcelona (Xarxa de Centres Oberts de Barcelona).
  • Cases d’acollida de dones i els seus fills i filles que pateixen violència masclista de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona.
  • SIS Municipal caps de setmana i agost.
  • Campaments urbans Baobabs.
  • Entitats que atenen infants vulnerables de la Xarxa dels Drets dels Infants.
  • Ciberaules dels Programes “Quedem a la sortida de classe” i “Tens talent”.
  • Programa A partir del carrer (APC)
  • Servei d’intervenció social de famílies amb menors (SISFAM)
  • Servei de Detecció i Intervenció amb infants, adolescents i joves migrats sols (SDI).
  • Servei d'Habitatges d'Inclusió (SHI) Lot 1, Lot 2 i Lot 3.
  • Servei d'Habitatges d'Inclusió Sant Pere Més Baix.
  • Allotjaments Individuals Temporals per a famílies monoparentals amb serveis col·lectius Ali-Bei.
  • Allotjaments de Proximitat Provisionals - APROP Glòries i APROP Ciutat Vella.
  • Centre d'Allotjament Familiar Temporal (CAFT) Navas.
  • Servei d'Inserció Social (SIS) Tractament.




The days to enjoy the tickets are from June 28 to September 8 (from Wednesday to Sunday and bank holidays), both inclusive. You can check the Tibidabo Amusement Park schedule here.


There is a lot of demand for tickets for the month of July and during the week. Those services that have the possibility of doing the activity in August or at the weekend, if you request it on these dates, you can better secure tickets and leave the option to services that do not have this possibility.


The maximum number of entries per request is 100 per day. The deadline for requesting tickets is from 13 to 31 May, 2024.


Tickets include access to the Amusement Park, a round-trip ticket with the Cuca de Llum and the TibiBus to the Funicular Lower Station from Aparcament B:SM Sant Genís-Vall d'Hebron (T2B) or from Plaça Kennedy (T2C).


How can I apply for the tickets?


If you are part of one of the centres mentioned in the Requirements section, you must have received a form from Barcelona City Council to request tickets.

Summer Without Barriers



On the solidarity day Summer Without Barriers, the Tibidabo Amusement Park invites students with functional diversity.


The Park maintains its inclusive spirit and continues with the commitment to make its spaces and attractions more accessible. For this reason, year after year the facilities are adapted so that more and more people can enjoy them. This event is part of the social action projects developed by Tibidabo to promote the inclusion of different groups. Summer Without Barriers every year ensures the inclusion of people with functional diversity, and works to promote their personal and social autonomy.




On June 13, 2025, from 9 am to 5 pm, we invite organizations and associations with people with functional diversity and their supervisors free of charge.





Weeks before your visit, we will send you a survey to find out how you will come to the Park. Tibidabo will offer the TibiBus service from Plaça Kennedy and the Cuca de Llum, the new Funicular of Tibidabo (from Plaça Doctor Andreu). Both transports are included with your booking.





Pre-booking here is essential.


To make your reservation, fill in this form with your details, indicating Reservations and activities and Schools / Esplais. In the Description, indicate the desired day of the visit, the Summer Without Barriers typology and the number of people coming.


Places are limited. Requesting a reservation does not mean that you have received places. You will need to wait for confirmation of the allocation of places.

Special centers or of social action


We offer rates reduced by 80% on the reference rate for students who are in reception centers, students coming from family conflicts, social cohesion centers, non-profit. The ticket price for these people is €8 (under 18 years old) and €16 (over 18 years old). 


As well as students from centers of special education. The ticket price for these people is €8 (under 18 years old) and €14 (over 18 years old). And accompanying educators get in free (in needed case)


Outings with this rate must be booked in advance using the following form and at least 5 days in advance.


To make the reservation, it is essential to prove that you are an organization that serves people at risk of exclusion and/or disadvantaged groups.


Aprenem Autisme

Parc d'atraccions Tibidabo Parque de atracciones Tibidabo Tibidabo Amusement Park Barcelona

Aprenem Autisme is a movement driven by families and people with autism with the aim of defending their rights, raising awareness and making autism known, offering resources and services.



Parc d'atraccions Tibidabo Parque de atracciones Tibidabo Tibidabo Amusement Park Barcelona

The migranodearena Foundation is a non-profit organization that connects people, companies and organizations from the third social sector and NGOs, encouraging citizen participation.



Parc d'atraccions Tibidabo Parque de atracciones Tibidabo Tibidabo Amusement Park Barcelona

The educo organization works so that all children can fully enjoy their rights and a dignified life, focusing on the right to education for children, because education heals and offers new opportunities.



Parc d'atraccions Tibidabo Parque de atracciones Tibidabo Tibidabo Amusement Park Barcelona

In 2012, UNICEF Catalonia Committee and Tibidabo signed an agreement in favour of children, promoting knowledge of the rights of girls and boys among society and visitors to the Park.



Parc d'atraccions Tibidabo Parque de atracciones Tibidabo Tibidabo Amusement Park Barcelona

Fanoc is an organization whose main objective is to defend, protect and promote the rights and interests of large families, developing services and activities exclusively for them.



Parc d'atraccions Tibidabo Parque de atracciones Tibidabo Tibidabo Amusement Park Barcelona

SoñarDespierto is a foundation that collaborates with the reception centers where minors live who, for various reasons, have had to be separated from their relatives and have become guardians of the State.



Parc d'atraccions Tibidabo Parque de atracciones Tibidabo Tibidabo Amusement Park Barcelona

The Xamfrà project was born in 2004 at the music and scene center of Raval. Its aim is to make use of music, theatre and dance as tools for participation and social inclusion.


Ramon Martí i Bonet

Parc d'atraccions Tibidabo Parque de atracciones Tibidabo Tibidabo Amusement Park Barcelona

The Ramon Martí i Bonet Foundation is an organization that works to guarantee the right to visual health of children and adults who are in a situation of vulnerability or social exclusion.



Parc d'atraccions Tibidabo Parque de atracciones Tibidabo Tibidabo Amusement Park Barcelona

Vozes is a school of life and a music-social project for more than 700 girls and boys from Barcelona, who, since 2004, have been offered free access to high-quality music studies.



Parc d'atraccions Tibidabo Parque de atracciones Tibidabo Tibidabo Amusement Park Barcelona

The Association of Family and Friends of Oncological Children of Catalonia works to improve the quality of life of people affected by the disease and their families.



Parc d'atraccions Tibidabo Parque de atracciones Tibidabo Tibidabo Amusement Park Barcelona

The Association of Congenital Cariopathies and CorAvant work together with the aim of improving the quality of life of people with congenital heart disease.


Vall d'Hebron

Parc d'atraccions Tibidabo Parque de atracciones Tibidabo Tibidabo Amusement Park Barcelona

Reference health campus. Tibidabo hosted the Celebrate life event, in commemoration of breast cancer patients during pregnancy.


apropa cultura

Parc d'atraccions Tibidabo Parque de atracciones Tibidabo Tibidabo Amusement Park Barcelona

Apropa Cultura was born in 2006 with the desire to improve the lives of people in vulnerable situations through culture, using it for its capacity for social transformation and improvement.


Alliance with UNICEF

One of the most special alliances that Tibidabo has is with UNICEF Comitè Catalunya, since 2012. The alliance between both organizations has always had the aim of promoting knowledge of children's rights among the society and those attending the Park.


This alliance is another step in the social awareness actions that Tibidabo carries out throughout the year, with the aim of spreading messages of tolerance, solidarity and respect among all its visitors, especially among the youngest. This objective is carried out with activities, workshops and special events, such as the Song of Peace.


Thanks to the commitment of the Tibidabo Amusement Park, which allocates 0.4% of the income from tickets and family passes to UNICEF, in addition to the full amount of 2 euros from tickets for solidarity activities, the organization continues to carry out programs in favor of the most vulnerable children around the world and, in particular, in favor of the Schools for Africa initiative.

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