For a day, Tibidabo Amusement Park becomes the world’s most fun physics lab!
Fisidabo takes place in May 14, 2025.
What is Fisidabo?
Fisidabo is an educational project created together with the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in which we turn Tibidabo Amusement Park into the world’s most fun physics lab.
Who is it aimed at?
This activity is designed for Baccalaureate and year 4 Compulsory Secondary Education students.
May 14, 2025.
The activity schedule is from 9 am to 3 pm:
- From 9 am to 12 pm: Carry out the experiments you have previously prepared in the classroom with the class group. Each centre sets its own itinerary.
- From 12 pm to 3 pm: Enjoy the attractions freely.
The Roller Coaster will be open from 10 am.
Other schedules:
- From 9 am to 12:30 pm: Physics Engineering students from the UPC will be at the attractions to support you with the experiments and solve physics and mathematics questions.
- From 11 am to 1 pm: The "open classroom" will be available to solve all kinds of doubts, located in the Pirata area.
The Cuca de Llum will make its first trip at 8:30 am and will be operational until 6 pm.
You can come and go as you please. You can have breakfast or lunch whenever you want in the enabled places. Tibidabo has a number of restaurants at your disposal.
Main objective
The main objective of this educational project is to discover the hidden physics in a number of the rides in Tibidabo.
How is the activity conducted?
In groups of 3, the students will go round the Park’s various rides, completing their study pack in which they will find a series of experiments suitable for their school year designed for experiencing physics using the Tibidabo Park’s rides. This enables them to see the concepts learned in class in action. They will also be able to go on the rides.
The students will be accompanied by volunteer undergraduates doing a Degree in Physical Engineering at the UPC, who will help them conduct the experiments and answer their questions about physics and mathematics. They will also introduce them to new concepts such as biophysics, photonics, communications, nanotechnology and advanced materials. Students can either simply stop an undergraduate assistant and ask them their questions or go to the EF meeting point which has a whiteboard and marker pens in the Piratta pirate ship area.
Rides studied
Les atraccions que formen part d'aquesta activitat educativa i que són objecte d'estudi al Fisidabo són:
- Carrusel
- Crash Cars
- Diavolo
- Piratta
- Tibidabo Express
- Rollercoaster
- Miramiralls
- Viking
You can download the map organized by zones based on the structure of Fisidabo here.
Tips to bear in mind
Before coming, the organisers of Fisidabo recommend that you:
- Download the apps
- Conduct the preliminary experiments in class
- Print the study packs
- Make groups of 3 students
You will find all the details on the Fisidabo website.
Hypatic Fisidabo
This is a project in which physics students are encouraged to conduct their own experiments. During the Fisidabo day you will find these students, who have a scholarship from the CiMs+CELLEX Scholarships programme, carrying out experiments on some of the rides.
This is why five rides will not be available for about an hour, This is when students will be carrying out the experiment they themselves have proposed and designed. You will find a notice on the relevant rides saying what time the ride will be closed. Go and ask them what they’re doing!