B:SM fulfils current legislation in force on data protection and supervises to ensure the proper use and processing of personal data. The purpose of processing the data requested is notified on each form that collects personal data. At any time, users may exercise their rights to access, rectify, delete, oppose or request portability and limitation by sending a letter to this email address:

Party responsible for processing

The party in charge of processing the data of the interested party is Barcelona de Serveis Municipals, SA (BSM), with CIF (Spanish tax ID) number A08765919. BSM contact details are:


Companies in the BSM Group may also be responsible for processing the interested party's data:


Cementiris de Barcelona, SA (CBSA), with CIF A64302367. CBSA’s contact details are:

  • Postal address: Carrer Mare de Déu de Port, 56-58 08038 Barcelona


The interested party is herein informed that the BSM Group has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO), who can be addressed for any questions related to personal data processing. The interested party can contact the Data Protection Officer via these contact details:

  • Postal address: Carrer Calàbria, 66, 08015, Barcelona
  • Phone number: 93 887 50 34
  • Email:

What is our purpose in processing personal data?

The interested party’s personal data are processed with the aim of managing and implementing the services contracted.

The interested party’s personal data may also be processed for these further purposes, provided that the interested party has provided consent:

  • Mailing of information and communication of commercial promotions related to the contracted services and request for participation in opinion and satisfaction surveys, for which we may create purchase profiles and analyse habits using the information obtained


  • Inclusion of the data in a database shared by BSMSA and CBSA


  • Processing of information and communications related to the services, activities and promotions done by the BSM Group, for which we may create purchase profiles and analyse habits using the information obtained

How long will we keep the data?

The personal data provided by the interested party shall be kept while the contract signed between the interested party and the BSM Group is in force. After it has finished, they will be blocked until the legal applicable time period has ended.

If the party has provided consent for data processing, until the interested party requests their deletion, at which time they will be blocked until the legal applicable time period has ended.

What legitimises us to process data?

The legal grounds for processing the interested party’s personal data is contract execution. In this regard, the interested party is obligated to provide any data that are necessary for its execution. If these data are not provided, it will not be possible to sign the contract.

And with regard to any other processing done, the legal grounds are the previous and unequivocal consent of the interested party.

To which recipients can be communicate the data?

The interested party’s personal data may be transferred to these recipients:

  • Companies in the BSM Group
  • Public administrations when this is established by a legal applicable provision, and courts and tribunals
  • Suppliers and providers who provide services to the BSM Group related to managing the contract executed and that have the status of parties responsible for processing In all cases, third parties with which specific personal data of the interested party are shared will have previously proven that they have adopted suitable measures for proper data protection.


What are the interested parties’ rights with regard to the data they provide?

Every person has the right to obtain confirmation on whether we are processing the personal data involving them. Interested parties have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inexact data or, as applicable, request their deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the aims for which they were collected.

In specific cases the interested party shall have the right to request the limitation of processing their personal data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defence of claims.

In specific circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, interested parties may oppose the processing of their data. In this case, the companies in the BSM Group with which this right is exercised shall stop processing the data, except under legitimate legal reasons or for the exercise or defence of possible claims.

In either of the two previous cases, the pertinent company in the BSM Group shall report any rectification or deletion of personal data, as well as any limitation to processing made, to each of the recipients to which personal data had been communicated, except when this would require a disproportionate effort. If the interested party thus requests, the company in the BSM Group in question shall notify of the aforesaid recipients.

The interested party also has the right to receive the personal data that concerns him or her that had been provided to BSM, in a structured format of common use and mechanical reading, and transfer them to another responsible party when the processing is based on consent or a contract, and this will be done by automated means.

The interested party shall have the right to oppose at any time, for reasons related to his or her particular situation, the fact that the personal data involving him or her are subject to processing based on a public or legitimate interest of the BSM Group or a third party, including the creation of profiles, so that BSM or another company in the BSM Group stops processing said personal data, except when they can prove overriding legitimate reasons for processing that take precedence over the interests, rights and freedoms of the interested party, or for the drafting, exercise or defence of claims.

The interested party shall also have the right to not be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including the creation of profiles, which cause legal effects or affect him or her significantly, except when this decision is necessary for the signing or execution of a contract with BSM or another company in the BSM Group or is authorised by a European or state law in force or is based on the interested party's explicit consent.

The aforesaid rights to access, rectify, delete, oppose, request portability or limitation, as well as not being subject to individual automated decisions, may be exercised via this email address:

Finally, the interested party shall have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.


How do we obtain the data?

The personal data we process at the different companies in the BSM Group come from the interested parties themselves and from the Barcelona City Council.

The data categories that we process are:

  • Identification data
  • Postal and email addresses
  • Financial data
  • Commercial information

For the purposes described above, BSM does not process specially protected data.