The Serra de Collserola rises like a watchtower in the middle of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. A magnificent massif, close, familiar and valuable, which becomes a privilege for the large population that lives around it. More than 8,000 hectares of preserved natural space, where forest spaces predominate with a variety of plant formations that give it a valuable biological diversity.


Collserola is also a space for discovery and learning, meeting and leisure. This means that the management, in charge of the Collserola Park Consortium, aims to promote the respectful and sustainable use of this space, good and preserving its natural values.


This territory has been managed since 1987, within the framework of a Special Protection Plan and, from 2010, its environmental dimension has been reinforced and consolidated with the declaration of a Natural Park.


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Tips for dealing with wild boars

Faced with the increase in the wild boar population, due to the easy access to food in the urban area, some advice should be taken into account:


  • Don't go near it. They may react aggressively.
  • Don't touch them. There is a risk of being bitten or attacked.
  • Make exaggerated noises and gestures to try to get them away.
  • Be alert on the road, as they may cross it.
  • Don't feed them.
  • You must always dispose of tightly closed rubbish bags in containers.
  • If you have pets, make sure their food is out of reach of wild boars.
  • In picnic areas, keep an eye on your bags and if you see wild boars, save your food.
  • You need to put measures in place so that they cannot enter the gardens or orchards.


Why should we respect wild boars?


  • Because they are wild animals and their natural habitat is the forest.
  • Because they generate conflicts in urban areas: damage to green areas and risks of collision with vehicles.
  • Because they can transmit diseases to people and pets.
  • Because they are wild animals that can have unpredictable and dangerous reactions for people.



Wild boars are wild animals and their natural habitat is the forest, where they have enough food, but they are attracted to the urban area by the availability of easily accessible food. Also, the urban environment does not have favourable conditions for their well-being, since they cannot express their natural behaviour, they cannot follow a suitable diet for their health, and they are exposed to dangerous situations.


Also, if we domesticate them, we will make them vulnerable and make them unable to return to their wild life. Consequently, unfortunately, they will have to be captured.


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