

The Tibidabo Amusement Park and Sant Pau are teaming up to promote scientific vocations and scientific dissemination with a gender perspective! During the day of September 21, 2024, various scientific popularization activities will be carried out starring the scientists of Sant Pau: talks, workshops and colloquiums, in addition to fun activities aimed at children, such as our giant science puzzle. Everything with a gender perspective.


September 21, 2024 program

At Plaça dels Somnis (level 5):

  • From 11 am to 6 pm – Giant scientific puzzle: Become a real researcher with us and share with Mariona her enthusiasm for science! Help us find the position of the 36 pieces of the heart puzzle and build this vital organ together. Recommended age: All audiences.


  • From 12 pm to 1 pm and from 3 pm to 4 pm – Workshop A journey through the heart: The heart is the main organ of the circulatory system. Have you ever seen one? Do you know how big it is? In this workshop you will be able to see and touch with your own hands a life-size 3D model of the human heart and discover curiosities about this organ with a question and answer game! Will you be able to solve it? Recommended age: From 7 years.


At sala LEGO (level 5):

  • From 11:30 am to 12:30 pm – Workshop How does the heart work?: Do you know how your heart works and how it gets enough energy to the muscles to be able to play, run, jump and dance? In this workshop we will learn with Mariona's help what the heart is like, how it transmits energy to the rest of the body, what it needs to function well and what can happen to us when it doesn't. Do you dare to discover it? Recommended age: 0 to 6 years.



  • From 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm – Workshop How do muscles work?: Muscles give our body mobility and allow us to walk or do any other physical activity. But they wouldn't have enough energy to do it if it weren't for the heart! Have you noticed when you do sports that your heart beats faster? Do you know why? Explore it with Mariona and the rubber band game! Recommended age: 7 to 11 years.


  • From 3 pm to 4 pm – Workshop The first heartbeat: A baby spends around nine months in the mother's womb. But did you know that in just six weeks you can feel the first heartbeat?! In this workshop, we will explain how a baby's heart and circulatory system is formed during pregnancy and how science allows us to know if it is developing correctly. Recommended age: From 7 years.


  • From 4 pm to 5 pm – Talk The heart also gets sick: Did you know that the heart also gets sick? Over time, and depending on our habits and lifestyle, the heart can start to malfunction. It can lose rhythm, strength or even some of its parts can be damaged. In this talk, we will talk about the diseases that affect the heart and the rest of the circulatory system. Are you coming with us? Recommended age: 7 to 11 years.


  • From 5 pm to 6 pm – Sex, gender and science workshop: Would you say that diseases affect men and women in the same way? Do you think the same treatments should be used for both sexes? Join us in discovering the difference between sex and gender, and why it is important to consider it in the world of research and health. Recommended age: 7 to 11 years.



See all program and project details here.