If you have any questions about your visit, you will most likely find the answer here. If you have any other doubt about Tibidabo or TibiClub, we invite you to contact us digitally or in person.

Information point


In the event that you wish to solve your query in person, we will assist you at the Customer Service Office in Tibidabo (next to the Talaia).




  • Days when the Amusement Park is open: from 10:30 am until the Park closes.
  • Days when only the Panoramic Area is open: from 11 am to closing time.
  • Days when the Amusement Park and the Panoramic Area are closed: from 10 am to 5 pm (except January weekends).
  • December 25, 26 and January 1, 6: from 10 am to 2 pm (only for inquiries not related to the TibiClub).


TibiClub Office




  • Days when the Amusement Park is open: from 10:30 am until 2 hours before the Park closes.
  • Days when only the Panoramic Area is open: from 11 am to closing time.
  • Days when the Amusement Park and the Panoramic Area are closed: from 10 am to 5 pm (except January weekends).


Consult the calendar of the Tibidabo Amusement Park and the Panoramic Area here.

Tibidabo Store


In the event that you wish to resolve your query in person, we will assist you at Tibidabo Store (Passeig Sant Gervasi, 36).




  • Days when the Amusement Park is open: from 10 am to two hours before the Park closes.


Consult the calendar of the Tibidabo Amusement Park here.


For press related requests and topics, please contact us here.


Tibidabo Amusement Park

Plaça Tibidabo, 3-4

08035 (Barcelona)


932 117 942