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Tibidabo Festa del Cor

Festa del Cor

Next Sunday, November 13, Tibidabo will host the solidarity day "Festa del Cor"! 💛
Ti Solidarity

For the twenty-eighth time, the Tibidabo Amusement Park and the Associació de Cardiopaties Congènites join forces in order to give visibility to children and teenagers born with heart disease. Next Sunday, November 13, the Park will host the solidarity day Festa del Cor.


The profits of the day will be allocated to two projects that the entity carries out at Hospital Sant Joan de Déu and Hospital Vall d'Hebron in Barcelona, Hospital Sant Joan de Reus, Hospital Arnau de Vilanova de Lleida and the 'Hospital Josep Trueta de Girona: We look at you, psychosocial care for women pregnant with a baby with heart disease and their partners from the moment they receive the diagnosis, preparation for childbirth and surgical intervention, if the case arises, and the arrival home; and A cor obert, an intermediate project which prepares the surgical intervention with the child or adolescent and the family, the accompaniment and support during the stay in the hospital and the logistical and emotional management of the arrival at home.


During the day of November 13, everyone who goes up to the Park will be able to dance with the giants and Corèlia, the gigantona for children with heart disease, enjoy the castellare performances of the gangs of Santa Coloma de Gramenet, stroll through the Market del Cor, a drawing for a child who is in the hospital, see the exhibition with the works that will be part of the 2023 charity calendar, participate in the charity raffle and experience a day of the heart in the most emblematic amusement park and the most beautiful sights spectacular views of the city of Barcelona.


The Association of Congenital Cardiopathies, the AACIC, has been working every day since 1994 alongside people living with heart disease with the aim of improving their quality of life and that of their families, in order to develop the their capacity for resilience. They offer psychosocial support and accompaniment to diagnosed children and adolescents and their families, both in the hospital and in adapting to everyday life; we promote knowledge of the reality of this group in society; and research into the social and family impact of living and living with heart disease.

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