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Parc d'atraccions Tibidabo Parque de atracciones Tibidabo Tibidabo Amusement Park Barcelona

Discover the project "You can too"

"You can too" and the Tibidabo Amusement Park invite schools in Catalonia to take action to improve the world, with the "Gotes pel món" campaign. Get to know the educational project!
Bi Education

On a rainy day, in the library of her school, a teacher tells the story of a robin who, drop by drop, tries to put out a fire in the forest. He does what he can... He invites his students to think drops and solutions to put out fires and problems in the world. Mia, one of the girls in the class, has an idea to, drop by drop, improve the world... This is the essence of the story You can too, by the author Anna Llauradó, which inspires girls and boys and young people to brainstorm to find drops of solutions, raising the question "And what can I do to improve the world?".


Us imagineu créixer sabent que pots fer molt per millorar el món? Un món que els hi estem mostrant negatiu i desesperançant, però que amb Tu també pots descobreixen com, gota a gota, dia a dia, sumant entre tots pot ser millor. Tu també pots és l'instrument, senzill i efectiu, que els inspira amb el conte i una web on alumnes i mestres poden trobar material suplementari com una guia pedagògica, un documental i exemples.


Can you imagine growing up knowing that you can do a lot to improve the world? A world that we are showing them is negative and hopeless, but with You can too discover how, drop by drop, day by day, adding together can be better. You can too is the simple and effective tool that inspires them with the story and a website where students and teachers can find supplementary material such as a teaching guide, a documentary and examples.


Event at Tibidabo


You can too, and Tibidabo Amusement Park invite schools to do good deeds to improve the world with the Gotes pel món campaign. Your center can be part of this initiative and join the Tibidabo event, where girls and boys and young people will present their actions for a better world.

The party will be held in June 2023 and all participants will be able to enjoy the Amusement Park for free during the day of their visit. We will announce the date of the party as soon as possible. Register at your school and take part in an educational and fun day! And don't forget to follow us at @parctibidabo to learn more about the project! 😊

Know more about the project here.
You can also send your ideas at 


Participate in the project and stay in touch with us by registering your center/school in the following form.

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